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KS M ISO 10718

Cork stoppers - Characterization of a low-in-germs stopper, through the enumeration of colony-forming units of yeasts, moulds and bacteria, capable of both being extracted and growing in alcoholic medium

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ОбозначениеKS M ISO 10718
Международный стандартISO 10718:2015(IDT)
Заглавие на английском языкеCork stoppers - Characterization of a low-in-germs stopper, through the enumeration of colony-forming units of yeasts, moulds and bacteria, capable of both being extracted and growing in alcoholic medium
Дата опубликования2020.08.21
Код МКС07.100.99,55.100,79.100

Стандарт KS M ISO 10718 входит в рубрики классификатора: