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KS I ISO 12219-4(2023 Confirm)

Interior air of road vehicles - Part 4: Method for the determination of the emissions of volatile compounds from vehicle interior parts and materials - Small chamber method

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ОбозначениеKS I ISO 12219-4(2023 Confirm)
Международный стандартISO 12219пјЌ4:2013(IDT)
Заглавие на английском языкеInterior air of road vehicles - Part 4: Method for the determination of the emissions of volatile compounds from vehicle interior parts and materials - Small chamber method
Дата опубликования2013.12.30
Код МКС13.040.20,43.020

Стандарт KS I ISO 12219-4(2023 Confirm) входит в рубрики классификатора: